Hi there, welcome to Nolor Yorld! ... I never seen anyone like you around here before. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Todd Blue!
You may have a lot of questions on how exactly you got here. Good question! That's for you figure out.
Why am I wearing this I HEART NY shirt?
Comedy, my dear. You can take it off, or keep it, I don't care. Either way, you arrived here with it. Welcome to New York. Why are you ragging about a free shirt?
What happened to me?! I look like a cartoon! Everything looks like a blue cartoon!
You aren't from around here! You don't have the ability to see what native Nolor Yorldians see, how we see it. Miss White and I, we can see each other as how we are. I can see her hair is black, that her shirt is yellow, and that her eye color is a creamy white. You can't. You see the world with a filter on it, like you have azure-tinted glasses on. Don't worry about what you see in the mirror, you don't actually look like that! We all see you as how you mostly are... mostly.
Why am I human?! What happened to my magic?! What the f-
Shhhhhh! There's children here! You can't say the fuck word! Look. Listen. Did you really think that you could be in Color World with all your bells and whistles? Look at you. Look at us. Despite it all, we're human. Our minds are easily broken, we're fragile. We become frightened with what we don't understand. That's why we need you to wear your own filter.
It's scary to be changed so drastically, but it's not who you really are. You're the same as you always were, despite everything. Your magic is still there, too, but it's watered down to a point humans can understand. This is a world where neither otherworldy creatures or magic exist.
Why is my last name a color? My last name is not a color.
I'm sure you've noticed by now, but everyone's last name is a simple color of the ROYGBIV spectrum. We're all born with names with some sort of variation of red, blue, green, yellow, orange, and so on in our name. Why, exactly? I have no clue, I guess God just thought it was funny. However it's spelled or pronounced is up to your god's discretion, the only requirement is that somewhere in there is your color. It tends to align with your ethnicity and identity, you're not going to get a whitewashed last name.
Maybe you're weird. You're a weirdo. You don't fit in. Well, there's some exceptions to the rules to help you out.
- If you have heterochromia, your last name is hyphenated together from the left eye, to the right eye.
- Even if your eyes are different today, your last name is the color you were born with. Unless you changed your name legally. I can't stop you.
- If you have no eye color, then you don't have a last name. Sorry!

Does this imply that I can change my last name to a cooler color?
Yes, anyone change their name for a variety of reasons. My first short story was published under the name Todd Dotty.
Okay, I get all of this. But I'm not blue, I'm... this weird gray. What's going on?
Ah, you're a special one, aren't you! If your eye color is a monochromatic color like black, white, or grey, you sometimes actually end up monochromatic. For example, take Ms. Black. She is a monochromatic person, completely devoid of color. We all see her as such.
This doesn't always happen, of course. Her girlfriend, Miss White, has a monochromatic last name, but does keep her color. It's all to your God's discretion.
Can I leave? Can I take a Nolor Yorldian with me?
Why the hell are you asking me that?
This world is like a snowglobe. It's self-contained, and difficult to get in and out. That being said, it's always possible to break the glass and get out. If you already have the powers to do so beforehand, it's even easier.
If I were removed from the snowglobe, all the filters would be removed. You would see me the way everyone else sees me, and I would see you as you actually are, too. You're allowed to do this, but take caution. Broken glass can hurt.
Yeesh. Anyway. Here's a color palette to help you out. Bye.